Signs A New Commercial Roof Is Needed

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Does the smell of mildew linger in your business establishment and seems to be getting stronger as time passes by? If you cannot find where the odor is coming from, the problem might be hidden within the frame of your building. For example, water may be leaking into the wall cavities and areas between the ceiling and roof that you cannot see. If such a problem exists, it points to the roof leaking and possibly needing to be replaced if the damage is severe enough. Other than the lingering odor of mildew in your building, there might be other signs that point to the need for a new roof installation.

The Ceiling in Your Building is Damaged

A common part of a building that gets damaged when the roof is damaged is the ceiling. The reason is that the ceiling is located directly under the roof and can get exposed to outside elements. For example, when the roof is leaking, the water drips onto the ceiling before entering the building and causing further damage. Water damage from the roof can cause a ceiling to droop down, crack, or become discolored from getting stained. Ceiling stains can be a mixture of water stains, mold, and mildew.

Your Employees Have Allergy Symptoms

A sign that your roof is damaged is if you have noticed a rise in the number of your employees who are experiencing allergy symptoms. If you know that a leaking plumbing line is not causing mold to grow, it is possible that a roof leak has caused mold to grow in your building. Allergy symptoms can flare up when someone is exhaling mold spores in the air, which can drift around without anyone knowing. If your roof has not been inspected or repaired for a long time, you need to get it inspected in case there is severe damage. If mold is present, it may have destroyed the roof deck to the extent of needing to be reconstructed.

The HVAC System is Not Energy Efficient

If you have begun to limit the use of the HVAC system in your building because it has suddenly become too expensive to run, the roof might be the problem. Air could be entering and exiting the building through the roof. For example, if there are holes in the roof, air can easily pass through. Do not wait too long before replacing your roof if it is needed, as it can collapse if the problem persists. 

Contact a commercial roofing installation service for more info or assistance.
