5 Important Things To Be Aware Of When It Comes To Buffing Hardwood Flooring

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Having your hardwood floor buffed is a great way to improve its condition and appearance. You should learn a few things about the procedure and the advantages it offers before you arrange for your floors to be buffed.

The following are five important things to be aware of when it comes to buffing your hardwood floors.

1. Wax needs to be removed and a cleaning needs to be performed before a hardwood floor can be properly buffed.

Buffing a floor that has not been cleaned or that is still covered with some wax can actually do more harm than good. Any buffing job will require a thorough cleaning as well as any wax that is left over after the last time that the floor was polished. 

2. Buffing hardwood flooring can be a good alternative to refinishing.

If your hardwood floor is still in relatively good condition but needs to be spruced up, you should consider buffing rather than refinishing. Buffing is a much more simple and fast job. It's also less expensive. As long as the finish of the floor itself has not been severely damaged or worn away over time, buffing should be adequate for restoring the appearance of the floor in question. 

3. Safety precautions are important when it comes to having a floor buffing machine used in your home.

A buffing machine is a heavy piece of equipment that operates at very high speeds. It's important that precautions are taken to clear out any obstructions and ensure that the toxic solutions used during buffing will be controlled and won't harm any members of the household. 

4. Some areas of a hardwood floor may need to be buffed by hand.

Buffing a hardwood floor is generally a relatively fast procedure, but it will take some time if a significant portion of the floor needs to be buffed by hand. Buffing will need to be performed by hand in areas of an interior where the buffing machine can't fit. If a floor includes many tight and hard to reach areas, it will take longer for buffing. 

5. Occasional buffing can extend the life of a hardwood floor.

Homeowners that execute a regular regime of cleaning and buffing of hardwood floors will notice that their hardwood floors last longer. In the long run, investing in buffing is likely to save homeowners will hardwood floors money because it will delay the need to undergo costly procedures like refinishing and replacing hardwood floors. 

For more information, contact a company like General Plating.
